
U Turns of Imran Khan!

There was a time when it  was hard to  understand what  is Politics for me. But with  the passage of time I  got to  understand that  it is a muddy way , how much  you  get  involve in it you  will receive a dirt on you so  better not to  involve and till now am unable to  understand what  politics exactly  is? In Politics I  know some faces like Benazir and Nawaz sharif right  from my  childhood but  that  time i  don't know what  kind of character are they, what  role they  are playing for the society, but  when Musharaf get  in politics I said oh so  this is politics and they all are not  like us they  are superior than us and have no mercy explore-the-world38and feeling  for the people of the nation. They  are running  for the money  and want  to  hold over the Country and make people to  speak what  they  wants to spoke. They have families they  have kids but  superior then us. Most  of them were not born politicians except Banazire she just  passed it on by  her family.I  realized that  Banizire and Musharaff was good in politics but  they  also  did some bloopers in their eras. That  was the time when it  get  a need to  for me to  know about  what's going  on with  politics a new face come across to  me was Imran Khan with  his TABDELI.
changeBeing a journalist it was my  duty  to  look after what  each and every  politicians tries to  do and what  they  offering us to  be with  them. I  thought he has good intentions with  is words to  bring  change in the Country  and in the life of youngsters ( as he knew that Govt. of Punjab offering  students laptop to protect their sides so  he thought why  not to  target  young nation and he was succeeded to  divert them) Speaking harsh, making jokes, doing un-necessities towards Government as he fails to  achieve his goal (the khursi) may  be a fun for youngsters but now they  are facing  his true face of U Turns mania. Take a turn from all his words spoken for the Govt to  pleasing  them made him a blooper even to  say  supper blooper is more intentional. He thinks that  if he thinks that  he is a super hero then he should rethink of what  he did. Let me remind you  if you  unable to  do  it. It  was the time when 2013 electoral were going  to  held, like everyone i  was presuming why  not to  try  you  once for the change, but  all my  words get into the flush  when i  saw what you  did. Yes it was the time when MQM fussing  in Karachi by  bloodshed and target killing,He stood up and said I  will go  and talk  to  Altaf Hussain, you  go  there but  just  to  visit Quid's Tomb and turned back with out even saying a single word to  him. That  was you  first U turn and used to  turned my  mind from your unspoken words hidden in you  real words. That  was the beginning  of understanding  the political tactics.
385893_199219830167967_100002398548000_417057_1375644332_n Now Come to the path  where they set  a stage to play  a drama in sore face of "Picket". With due respect  that  drama held with  the help of some manipulates, they  have not  their own way  not  even have their own thinking they  are just  to  making  their interests by  fooling  innocent  and converting  them a mess. It  was the time when Imran khan through  a picket to  gather the youngster in-front  of Parliament  house Islamabad, and made them to dis respect  their own law, Parliament, courts and above all Govt. He used slang, he tried to  insult law by encouraging and placing  civil disobedience movement. But  what  happen,he show his back to all his follower and ran away from the picket and get married controversially with a non famous lady from BBC. As it is said that  she forced him to  marry  with  her well Allah  knows the truth. Now come  to  the movement he placed but failed to obey  it by  saying  that  " his new wife and kids are unable to take bath with  cold water".(Funny statement) But it broke hearts and faith  too. That was a U turn which  made him mad for his followers with dropping  the curtain from his dirty  face.
Now what   else we can say  when he take a Big U Turn and step again into  the parliament he insulted in the mob. He spoke dirty things about  MQM, even I have no hard feeling s for this dirty  party  but  he shouted at  them sitting  in his cage of his house but  again he went to  Karachi  and said nothing  in-front  of  Altaf husain's party. He was to  lenient  and polite as he was not been in his cage while firing  on his deeds. This was again a U Turn of his big blooper. Now what  youngsters are hoping to get from his side. They are waiting for one that thing he said and stuck on it, alas there is nothing to find. They  are hopeless now and don't want to let  him play with their feelings again. I want ti invite Mr. Imran Khan to come over Social media and find they have for you now. My  question is for those who fought with me for him and his words what  did you get? Are you satisfied with what  he done with and are still waiting for the NAYA PAKISTAN or a new change. We all need change in life but  if we bring it with our thoughts and with our strength we will definitely bring it and if we are still waiting for another U Turn khan then forget  about  the new change just  live in your dreams. But  am not going to  do  it because I get  understood that  it's me who can change my  world not the politicians.!    


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