A courageous Woman!
We are nurtured such society where a smallest thing can be stretch into a big one like rubber and left it in one stroke with full pressure so the person we are targeting can get it's consequences for no cause.All the men in our society have high ego and pride of his manhood to sniff women whom they think are most weakest creature on the earth and they always tried to putt them into four walls but what has gone through inside this so called weaker creature knows better because she is filmier what man has done with her and what he is doing with society. It is the same society where a woman always been subjected to violence by a man and those women who speak out against it have been called "Rebels". Those who always got frustrated about the slogans of women rights, have been seen saying " we also have had been tortured by women so why we are unable to speak out about it?'' My question is for this male oriented society how much you served a woman as she served you? If you did so it's your rightful right to ask for your rights other wise first serve a woman and fulfill your duties to get it back.
"It is the same Society where we have some brave women
who spoke out against violence"
Let me Introduce a brave lady who faced domestic violence and raised her voice against it and got divorced five years ago to protect her future and for the betterment of her tow children. Khushnood Ahmed is a Pakistani women who moved to UK fifteen years ago and got married there about ten years before. She belongs to Karachi and her parents are from Lahore. Her father is a businessman.She is a Nutritionist by profession. She is working as Advisor & IAG Member of London met Police. She made up her career in Culture Contractor and penal member of CBD, Founder Director of RMA, Executive Director of GEMS Supports & she is also working as Muslim Representative in B & D Faith Forum Nutritionist. She established an Organization "River Side Muslim Association" to bring different communities at one forum to build a strong relation among them. When I asked her why she need to established this organization her answer was:" when I faced DV no one there to stand besides me I was the only person who dare to stood up against it made up a decision of separation but here in London I can see many women who are facing DV but they have not enough courage to speak out, through this association I am giving them a plat form to rebuild their relation and try to resolve their problems either to being separated and get courage to stop their husband not to do this again. According to khushnood in UK Pakistani community especially women are playing an important role in the mainstream British society and making their identification with exposure of their importance. She added, I am serving as contractor for Council and the various ethnic communities in London . Especially child abuse, forced marriage, foster parent and homeless issues related to the resolution of complaints leads people to contact organizations.More over I am taking part in the area With the Council to conduct cultural activities, Where this organization encourages them to take action against domestic violence, but it's also provide them a platform where their their hidden potential can also bring into light.
"Began Eid, Christmas, Easter, Diwali special events
to develop inter-religion harmony"
Khusnood Ahmed said that women should take part in social activities so they can be recognized in British society to increase Pakistan's reputation. She felt intensely that there is less interaction among inter-religion harmony. Even they do not know too much about their neighbors so she did found a solution to this problem on her own and In collaboration with some local companies began Eid, Christmas, Easter, Diwali special ceremonies on a small scale. On 20th April 2013 she distribute letters to the community in which she requested them some actions need to be taken to build a Mosque in their area. I did it because I want my son to go to the Community Mosque for prayer and get some knowledge about Islam.She added, for this cause when I started bringing people of different faiths, I faced so many criticism because I was the first female who spoke for religious affairs and did effort to achieve them. Talking about difficulties she has faced during her campaigns she said "Being a woman in Muslim male oriented society it is very difficult to survive as advisor because men would never bear it if a woman is making effort for religion. I were not been invited for many meetings because of my gender. When a Pakistani used to living in any other country so he/she should have to face some hard criticism. They have a mind set about Pakistani community
that we are rigid and narrow minded, we have no respect for women and our men abuse them and torture them in different ways so being Muslim and Pakistani it our duty when we are roaming in other countries we have to represent our country in a good way and show them the reality so they could be able to realize that Pakistan is not a rigid Country, We have talented people like Khushnood who is representing our nation as a courage,who never stop a women to work outside the house and they have equal rights to live a happy life. For this Khushnood said that in UK this concept has been accrued Perhaps all the Pakistanis are outdated who are behaving badly with women and girls are deprived of education.Unfortunately, our community is a bit low to efforts for change this concept. We are ambassadors of Pakistan and our good character will tell them that there are good and bad people in every community they can not be attributed with the Pakistani community. About volunteering Khushnood told me that its is such a work in which one can do more above her/his thinking. I always get pleasure during volunteering. And being a British Pakistani women on a voluntary bases I am trying to improve and play my part for my community in London. Especially being a women is our strength not weakness and all women should play their part for their community where ever they in live in the world and if you believe in yourself the possibilities are endless.In her message for all women she said "women should stop gossiping and spend their time to work constructively. As I started my work as volunteer from a school they also can began it from a nearby school. women are strength of the society, they are not tend to be weak." .
