
                           Review of a View!

When I started my  new job as journalist  at the old place I  have Got an Idea to  present the view of Minar-e-Pakistan with constructive history. I used to  manage all the history. That was the month of March 23,1940 when a founder of Pakistan Muhammad Ali  Jinah  assemble a large number of people at Minto park(Iqabal  park) then presented a new vision or two nation theory for all Muslim community over subcontinent, people truly  admire it and finally passed the resolution.Under this resolution Muslims able to  get  a new and separate County where they have no fear of anything  beyond their thoughts.A free land where they  can preach and to pay their religious values in appropriate manner.
When a committee held to decide what  to  made for the symbol of resolution wither it would be a lake ,home,hall,hospital,park,mosque,door or fountain what  to  made or what to  not.Then it had been decided to  make up  a Tower as a symbol of Resolution.The ancient architect of Egyptian Pyramids. It  has said that when he stood at  the place he saw the expended land and decided the building  should be high, stiff and it should able to absorb sunlight.In-short whatever  he saw at  the place he imagine the view in 3d and then the design completed people saw and at  the first  glance they  said its increased the Miracles of the world. It is thought that  if the same architect stand at  Minto park what  he would saw and design???....The field Marshal Ayub khan called up a Russian architect named Nasserdin Murat khan to  design tower. He made it, it  had been amended about  tow times.
Nasserddin Murat khan was a Pakistani Russian decent, he obtained architecture, civil engineering and town  planning  degrees from Russia. He was deeply  involved in a movement where he forced to  leave Daghestan,fear of life made him to  escape from Daghestan, he moved to  Germany. In Berlin he used to  live in refugee camp. In the camp he met  a Turkish nurse named Hamida Akmut. He merry  her and moved to  Pakistan Lahore. There he worked as MES Garrison Engineer and started his own business.Because of his love for his work Ayub khan gave him a big project  of Minar-e-Pakistan. He treated this project  as a baby. He despite to get benefit form this project  he contributed a lot from his own pocket.He was died of heart attack in 1970.
It is a source of grief that in the ensuing 28 years after his death, and despite appeals, his contribution has not been publicly acknowledged in a place where the average visitor can see at the Minar-i-Pakistan by its base when one first steps onto the first podium. Sadly, his massive contribution has yet not been stamped there so that every visitor can read it, nor did his widow get any help from the successive governments. For this is not only Pakistan`s history, but a personal history deeply entwined with it.
 In 1984 LDA got it's Custody but  now a days it is under the observation or PHA.

I have got  a chance to  visit  the place, when i  reached there with  photographer, guards stops us not  to  get  in with bike then we told him where we are coming  from he opened the door. Photographer park his bike and we moved towards tower, it  was looking  awesome i  haven't blink  my  eye for once and never get head down. It was around 11:30 am and the park was filled with  visitors. It is sad to  write about  those couples who  was there with their love birds and having date. Families were also there but  they  were just  passing  their time there. It  was sad for me to  know that  the pools were empty of water but  lake was filled and visitors were enjoying boating over there.      
Then we moved towards Hafeez Jalendry's tomb which  was situated far from the tower. we passed a wast ground then enter a hockey ground partitioned with cricket ground. There some boys were playing they  saw us and shout "Oye do cha phari, guest  aye ney". This is what our people do  mostly when they  saw a girl..Alas!!!! We reached to the tomb and clicks some picture and moved back towards the gate.Now its time to  get  back to  office.Well when i  started work on this topic i  have a lot of things and plannings to make this feature. But the most interesting  part for me was to  to  get  to  know about  Murat  khan. He was a legend but  alas! i  didn't find anything  about  him. who was he, where was he from??? Nothing not  even at  the tower where we find all the history  of Lahore Resolution. I  really  felt great to  see our national emblem "The National Tower of Pakistan".      


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